Don't let fall allergies leave you in the cold
As the cooler weather moves in, the potential for fall allergies increases. One University of Alabama at Birmingham ear, nose and throat specialist says taking the right precautions and being aware of...
View ArticlePsychosocial benefit seen with probiotic, peanut oral immunotx
(HealthDay)—Probiotic and peanut oral immunotherapy (PPOIT) has a sustained beneficial effect on psychosocial impact of food allergy after end-of-treatment, according to a study published online Oct....
View ArticleBreast milk found to protect against food allergy
Eating allergenic foods during pregnancy can protect your child from food allergies, especially if you breastfeed, suggests new research from Boston Children's Hospital. The study, published online...
View Article40 percent of adolescents with food allergies experience frequent...
A new study by researchers from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) has shown that 40 percent of Australian adolescents with food allergies are experiencing frequent allergic reactions,...
View ArticleSniffing out the best allergy treatment
(HealthDay)—Seasonal allergies make life miserable for millions of Americans.
View ArticleScientists link cases of unexplained anaphylaxis to red meat allergy
While rare, some people experience recurrent episodes of anaphylaxis—a life-threatening allergic reaction that causes symptoms such as the constriction of airways and a dangerous drop in blood...
View ArticleIntestinal worms may solve allergy puzzle
While young people with parasite worms currently have a four times higher risk for developing allergies and asthma than others. Their parents are generally unaffected.
View ArticleDrug increases speed, safety of treatment for multiple food allergies
In a randomized, controlled phase-2 clinical trial, an asthma medication increased the speed and safety of a protocol used to treat children for several food allergies at once, according to a study by...
View ArticleGuidelines say no special precautions needed for flu shots for people...
For years, people with an egg allergy have been told to avoid or take special precautions when getting a flu shot because most influenza vaccines are grown in eggs and contain a tiny amount of egg...
View ArticleKeeping the holidays allergy and asthma-free
(HealthDay)—Allergies and asthma can be worse than the Grinch when it comes to ruining your holiday spirit.
View ArticleFolic acid late in pregnancy may increase childhood allergy risk
Research from the University of Adelaide suggests that taking folic acid in late pregnancy may increase the risk of allergies in children affected by growth restriction during pregnancy.
View ArticleChildren with chronic illness often show signs of mental health problems
Children commonly show signs of a mental disorder soon after receiving a diagnosis involving a of a chronic physical condition, according to a recent study in BMJ Open.
View ArticleMould discovery in lungs paves way for helping hard to treat asthma
A team at The University of Manchester have found that in a minority of patients they studied, a standard treatment for asthma—oral steroids—was associated with increased levels of the treatable mould...
View ArticleFirst vaccine developed against grass pollen allergy
Around 400 million people worldwide suffer in some form or other from a grass pollen allergy (rhinitis), with the usual symptoms of runny nose, cough and severe breathing problems. In collaboration...
View ArticleHow to tell if your symptoms are cold, flu or allergies
A runny or stuffy nose can be a symptom of the flu, a cold or allergies, and it can be hard to discern which one you have. So how do you know what's really going on with your nose?
View ArticleResearchers report antibody that prevents a broad range of allergic reactions
Researchers have found a new mechanism in which an antibody can prevent allergic reactions in a broad range of patients. Their discovery could pave the way for a far more effective allergy medicine....
View ArticleNutritionally-speaking, soy milk is best plant-based milk
How healthy is your almond milk really? It may taste good and may not cause you any of the unpleasant reactions caused by cow's milk. But though plant-based milk beverages of this kind have been on the...
View ArticleMyD88—villain of allergies and asthma
Even if you don't have allergies yourself, I guarantee you can list at least three people you know who have allergies. Asthma, a respiratory disorder commonly associated with allergies, afflicts over...
View ArticleVitamin A in cattle fodder is could protect against cow's milk allergy
Infants can sometimes develop an allergy to cow's milk that usually subsides by adulthood but may increase the risk for developing other allergic diseases. The allergic reaction can, however, be...
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